Using New Technology For The It Industry

Are you thinking about the future or merely attempting to solve today's problems when it comes to technology? If you go with the latter, you'll be putting yourself at a disadvantage. On the other hand, creating a technology roadmap enables you to make sensible technology investments, replace equipment at the correct moment, and boost productivity while lowering long-term expenses.

Consider hiring a virtual Chief Information Officer if that sounds like too much for your own IT team to handle (CIO). Instead, you may hire an expert who knows the ins and outs of your organization and suggests the best solutions to help you grow for a fraction of the cost of employing an in-house CIO. Here are four ways a virtual chief information officer may help.

Here are four ways a virtual chief information officer may assist you in preparing your IT for the future:

1. Increasing the Strength of Your Cyber Defenses

Cyberattacks aren't just affecting huge corporations; according to security software firm Symantec, 36 percent of all recent targeted attacks have been directed at firms with less than 250 people. To keep your organization safe from all sides, a virtual CIO adopts solid security procedures and policies, performs constant diagnostic monitoring, and keeps up with evolving cyber threats.

2. Assisting You in Recovering from a Natural Disaster

Did you know that 93% of businesses without a disaster recovery strategy go out of business within a year after a catastrophic data loss? You need to know where your mission-critical data is stored and how to access it quickly if your IT services are unavailable or hacked. Your virtual CIO can help you develop a recovery strategy that ensures company continuity in the event of a natural disaster, cyberattack, employee mistake, or another calamity.

3. Activating Your Employees

Bring Your Device (BYOD) is more popular than ever, with Cisco estimating that organizations that use BYOD policies save $350 per user per year. However, as the number of devices grows, so does the number of endpoints vulnerable to assaults. By selecting secure apps and establishing watertight communication problems and rules, virtual CIOs safeguard your data and workers, allowing them to access business resources safely from any place.

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